About Me

photo of Sjoerd Ankone, 43y/o male, dark blond/brown hair, obviously smiling.

Hello, and welcome to my portfolio site.

My name is Sjoerd Ankone, i'm 43 years old atm. After several years of unemployment i'm hoping to turn some of my aquired knowledge and skill into my 'new' area of profession.

Ever since i learned how to make websites, they have always mainly been a means to an end. Now I guess I'm hoping for them to make ends meet. And while i like to make a joke or engage disappointment with a sense of sarcasm or irony. I'm serious about this shift.

That's why i've started a bootcamp at CodeGorilla in march 2020 and even though that had went bankrupt shortly into the corona lockdown, i've continued to study and followed the coarse together with some of the other left over candidates. And for the foreseeable future I will continue to do so, in order to learn more. Obviously until I get hired and get to learn on the job.

If you reached this site through my resume, you already have all the detailed information about me. If you are family or a friend you already know all about me. For those that happen to stumble upon this site, if you want my resume you can contact me.

About this Site

This site was made for three reasons, in first to accompany my resume, the second was to apply what i have learned about UI design, and the third was to introduce myself with PHP and SQL.

About Privacy

This site does not use any direct or third party cookies. However, as part of the hosting of this site on the internet, I do get automatic basic statistics about the visits to this site. These are anonymized and mainly for meta analysis of the general activity on the site.

If you want to read up on which data gets collected visit this FAQ from the hosting company that hosts this site:
> Strato Website Statistics

Terms of Use

This site is free to visit and it's assests are free to use. I do want to put a disclaimer here to inform you that I used some imagery from the internet to make the various images used on this site. Unfortunately copyrights on the interenet aren't always as clear as one would hope, so using these in a commercial environment is not adviced.

If you use any of the images or general ideas from this site you do not have to credit or refer to me. Though obviously you are free to do so. I will trust on your honesty to not put up any of my work as your own, without altering or changing the asset to make it a part of 'your own' creation. This is also how I tried to treat the images I used myself.

image of dangling feet at the beach
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